• Cybersecurity

    NIS / NIS 2 / DORA / RODO / GDPR / cyberseq / spyware / privacy / DDoS / hacking / VPN / dual authorisation / security incidents / trojan / viruses / PII Personal Identifiable Information / BEC / encryption / anonymisation / phishing / malware / ransomware / spear phishing / spoofing / social engineering / data leak / compliance / CCPA / white hat hacking / ethical hacking / penetration testing / cyber threats / cyber crime investigation / data breach / incident response


Information security, especially in the digital area, is one of the main challenges of businesses today, where information is at a premium. Confidential information, whether company secrets, IP ownership, or personal data, is often the main value of companies, and its loss or disclosure can lead to irreparable financial and image damage.

Effective information security management, nowadays mainly in a digital world and the increasing digitisation of everyday life, is not only about the right technological solutions but also about the proper organisation and flow of information, operating procedures, staff training, cyclical audits, as well as appropriate legal safeguards and meeting regulatory requirements.

  • We provide legal and organisational information security audits and, in cooperation with a technical partner, we provide audits and assessments of technical cyber security safeguards

  • We assist in the implementation of appropriate information security measures - also taking into account the international nature of the client's business

  • We prepare information security documentation (including procedures, policies, standard agreements, and statements)

  • We provide information security training

  • We help implement and maintain an internal management system for compliance with the requirements of business partners in terms of information security

  • We provide support in preparation for information security audits carried out by business partners

  • We comprehensively advise on security incident response (regulatory issues, criminal prosecution of cyber criminals; support in case of reputational or media crises; coordination with technology partners)

  • We provide representation before regulatory authorities and courts

  • We advise on the organisation of remote working in client structures

  • We conduct criminal prosecutions for cyber security offences


As a law firm advising in the area of New Tech, we help our clients to properly secure information and to bring the organisation into compliance with legal (regulatory) requirements under several national and international laws, including the GDPR, the NIS Directive, NIS2, or DORA.

Security incidents - comprehensive crisis support

We advised during security incidents – providing comprehensive support on GDPR, disclosure, and reporting obligations, as well as press relations and support in media crises and law enforcement relations

Internal documentation

We have prepared comprehensive legal audits and created dedicated internal documentation required by law on the protection and security of information, know-how, and personal data.

Identity theft on the Internet

We have advised clients (so-called high-profile individuals) in cases of online identity takeover. We have supported clients in dealing with law enforcement agencies as well as social media owners.

Online hate speech

We have supported corporations, institutions, social organisations as well as public figures and executives in cases of online hate actions. We advised on both social media tools and cooperation with law enforcement agencies and specialised experts conducting analysis and research into the sources of online violations and identification of perpetrators. We have represented clients in litigation with media owners (including social media) and reputational infringers in the digital world.


29 August 2023

SKP Ślusarek Kubiak Pieczyk recognized as one of the top four companies in Poland by IP STARS (Managing IP), in the Copyright & related rights category!

SKP Ślusarek Kubiak Pieczyk recognized as one of the top four companies in Poland by IP STARS (Managing IP), in the Copyright & related rights category!   […]

2 August 2023

Pavel Postolko strengthens the ranks of SKP’s corporate law department

SKP Ślusarek Kubiak Pieczyk team continues to grow in strength!   We welcome Pawel Postolko to the team, who recently strengthened the ranks of SKP to support […]

3 July 2022

SKP lawyers received numerous recommendations in international rankings

In the first half of this year, our team earned a number of recommendations in international legal rankings. In many of them obtaining individual distinctions.   In […]

Articles over coffee

  • 17 kwietnia 2024 r. Sąd Unii Europejskiej wydał wyrok w sprawie odmowy rejestracji oznaczenia „Pablo Escobar” jako unijnego znaku towarowego ze względu na jego sprzeczność z porządkiem publicznym oraz dobrymi obyczajami (sygn. T-255/23). Oznaczenie słowne „Pablo Escobar” próbowała zarejestrować w Urzędzie Unii Europejskiej ds. Własności Intelektualnej Spółka Escobar Inc., z siedzibą w Guayna na wyspie […]

  • 27.04.24

  • Organizator eventu artystycznego lub rozrywkowego, zwłaszcza mającego charakter imprezy masowej, stoi przed koniecznością dopełnienia szeregu ważnych obowiązków. Jedną z podstawowych kwestii, o którą należy zadbać, jest konieczność zapewnienia wydarzeniu odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Zaniechanie należytej staranności w tym zakresie może wiązać się dla organizatora nie tylko z surowymi konsekwencjami finansowymi, ale również z odpowiedzialnością karną. Definicja […]

  • Jeżeli: jesteś małym lub średnim przedsiębiorcą masz siedzibę w jednym z państw członkowskich UE lub w Ukrainie posiadasz niezarejestrowane dotychczas prawa własności intelektualnej (np. nazwy, logotypy, opakowania produktów) możesz skorzystać z tegorocznej edycji dofinansowania w ramach Funduszu UE na rzecz MŚP. SKP wspiera klientów w składaniu wniosków o dofinansowanie, jak również w całym procesie uzyskania […]



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00-546 Warsaw


Armii Krajowej Street 116/17
81-824 Sopot
+48 22 230 2655biuro@skplaw.pl
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