• Life sciences, R&D

    pharmaceutical law / health care / proceedings before regulators / pharmacy and medical activities / medicinal products / medical devices / dietary supplements / contract manufacturing / sales and marketing of regulated products, including dietary supplements / product liability / pharmacovigilance / e-commerce in the pharmaceutical market / franchising / consolidation of the medical and pharmaceutical industry / commercialization of scientific research / spin offs & spin outs / science and business / scientific and research consortia / protection of commercialized intellectual property / patents / commercialization of research /


  • Advising pharmaceutical, medical and food industry entities on day-to-day operations

  • Administrative proceedings before regulators

  • Court proceedings

  • Handling mergers and acquisitions of entities in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry

  • Providing advice on the manufacturing, import, marketing and distribution of medicinal products, medical devices and dietary supplements

  • Conducting audits of processes in terms of compliance with industry regulations and implementation of appropriate procedures

  • Providing advertising and marketing services of medicinal products, medical devices and dietary supplements

  • Legislative and industry monitoring

  • Training in regulatory aspects of business operations

  • Effective commercialisation of intangible assets

  • Development of strategies for the protection of intellectual property and its commercialization in R&D projects

  • Negotiation of agreements (consortia, licenses, joint rights, etc.) necessary for the implementation of R&D projects


Purchase of a company running pharmacies

Our lawyers represented the purchaser in concluding a contract for the purchase of 100% of shares in a company running pharmacies, taking into account the necessity to obtain UOKiK’s consent for the concentration. The transaction took into account issues arising from demo-geographical restrictions and the so-called “Pharmacy for Pharmacists” regulations.

Regulatory consultancy

We advised pharmacies operating as part of one of the largest franchise chains in Poland in proceedings before regulators related to their operations (both stationary and online). The project concerned the areas of pharmacy advertising and product marketing, transfer of business licenses, post-inspection events, private label and regulatory compliance.

Commercialisation of R&D at a scientific institute

We supported one of the scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the commercialisation of R&D projects. As part of the work we were responsible for securing innovative intellectual property and for developing a legally optimal path of commercialisation using special purpose vehicles.

Project leaders

Tomasz Pieczyk Managing Partner
Maciej Ślusarek Managing Partner
Maciej Kubiak Managing Partner


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Premiere of the Play “The Pilot and The Little Prince”

Last week, the world premiere of the play “The Pilot and The Little Prince” took place in Katowice. It was produced by TLP Live sp. z o.o., […]

9 October 2024

Tomasz Pieczyk awarded in the “Lawyer” category at the Kozminski Lions Awards!

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1 October 2024

Karolina Kucharska and Katarzyna Lejman with Rising Star 2024 distinctions in the IP Stars ranking!

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  • 07.02.25

  • Gdy filmowa magia gra poza ekranem

    Marlena Kudła 14.01.25

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