• Managerial liability and white-collar crime

    criminal law / criminal business law / white collar crime / fiscal criminal law / administrative criminal law / fiscal criminal law / disciplinary liability / collective entity liability / detention / temporary custody / arrest / interrogation / search / dawn raid / mismanagement / abuse of trust / detriment to the company / corruption / fraud / company secret / trade secret / unfair competition / financial liability / management board / supervisory board / D&O insurance / CEO / CFO / directors / officers


For years, our lawyers have been advising entrepreneurs and members of corporate bodies on matters related to broadly defined managerial liability, both criminal and financial. We protect clients' interests at all stages of proceedings before law enforcement agencies, common courts, administrative authorities and disciplinary bodies.

We support entrepreneurs and business entities in protecting their rights as victims of economic crimes. We train managers and advise them on reducing the risk of criminal and financial liability related to their business activities.

  • Defence against charges in public prosecutions and court proceedings

  • Support during detention, pre-trial detention and interrogation

  • Representation during pre-trial detention proceedings before the prosecutor and the court

  • Support during company searches

  • Defence of members of the bodies of capital companies against financial liability to the company

  • Defence of members of bodies of capital companies against financial liability towards creditors of the company

  • Initiation of criminal proceedings on behalf of victims of economic crimes

  • Pursuing financial claims in criminal proceedings


Representation of defendants in criminal proceedings before the court

We defended a member of the supervisory board of a company against charges related to participation in an attempted hostile takeover of a telecommunications company and money laundering.

Suspects' representation before law enforcement authorities

We defended a member of the management board of a debt management company in a multi-threaded and media-driven investigation concerning the infliction of tens of millions zlotys of property damage to the company.

We represented the members of the board of directors of a listed property development company in a media case alleging wrongdoing against the company.

Our team defended an entrepreneur in a media investigation concerning an event agency issuing VAT invoices attesting to the performance of fictitious services with a total value of approximately 50 million zlotys.

Representation before the supervisory authorities in proceedings concerning the imposition of a fine

We defended a member of the management board of a listed company in proceedings before the Polish Financial Supervision Authority concerning the company’s failure to fulfil its disclosure obligations concerning preparing periodic reports.

Advising entities harmed by economic crimes

We represented an aggrieved listed company, in criminal proceedings concerning frauds committed to its detriment, where the total amount of harm exceeded several million zlotys.

We acted for an aggrieved listed company in the receivables trading industry in criminal proceedings against a former member of its board of directors concerning fraud committed to the company’s detriment, where the total value of the harm exceeded one million zlotys.

Project leaders

We are practitioners with interdisciplinary experience. Our knowledge of market mechanisms and business realities allows us to provide expert legal assistance and effectively protect our client's interests in matters related to managerial liability.

Kamil Statuch Senior associate
Paweł Postolko Senior associate
Maciej Ślusarek Managing Partner
Tomasz Pieczyk Managing Partner
Maciej Kubiak Managing Partner


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Premiere of the Play “The Pilot and The Little Prince”

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9 October 2024

Tomasz Pieczyk awarded in the “Lawyer” category at the Kozminski Lions Awards!

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1 October 2024

Karolina Kucharska and Katarzyna Lejman with Rising Star 2024 distinctions in the IP Stars ranking!

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    Marlena Kudła 14.01.25

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