• Personal data

    cybersecurity / mobile applications /RODO / GDPR / online shop / privacy protection / PUODO / data sets / IOD / processes / regulations / behavioural targeting / profiling / sensitive data / competitions / big data / administrator / processor / entrustment agreements / privacy by design / privacy by default / information obligation / risk assesment / register of processing activities


We offer our clients a full service in the field of personal data security.

From the audit of existing data processing mechanisms in a company, through practical recommendations and the creation of comprehensive documentation, to the implementation of personal data security policy and IT system management.

  • Data protection training

  • Audits of RODO/GDPR

  • Implementation of RODO/GDPR in the organisation

  • Creation of RODO/GDPR documentation

  • Risk assessment and consulting at the stage of creating new technical solutions, new services, products, automation and applications

  • Representation in disputes before the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (PUODO) and before administrative courts

  • Contests, lotteries and promotions

  • Data processing in e-commerce

  • Analytical, technical and marketing support of projects related to data acquisition and processing or use of large data sets


Personal data in scientific research

Our team was responsible for a comprehensive analysis and legal support of scientific research conducted by our client, concerning e-sports players. The scope of services included the drafting of relevant contracts, the preparation of internal RODO/GDPR documentation, as well as study of entry forms with relevant consents and RODO/GDPR information.

Behavioural data targeting

At the request of one of the largest network advertising agencies in Poland, we provided a consultation on the assumptions of a marketing campaign aimed at nationwide promotion of the services of a leading international financial intermediary. The advertising activities used the process of behavioural data targeting the people using the services and tailoring marketing activities individually to selected consumers.

Personal data in advertising

We advise major national and international advertising agencies on the legality of collecting and processing personal data, particularly in the context of promotional campaigns, newsletters and social media.

Data processing within the European Economic Area

We provided an opinion on the possibility of outsourcing the processing of personal data from an entity in the European Economic Area (Belgium) to another entity in the European Economic Area (Poland, Spain). In particular, we analysed the issue of storing personal data from the entire European Economic Area on a server in Spain, the controller of which would be an entity based in Belgium. We also examined the possibility of transferring/trusting the processing of personal data between entities operating in different countries of the European Economic Area.

Implementation of RODO/GDPR in the offer and on the hotline of an insurance group

For an insurance group, we conducted an extensive analysis of the rights and obligations of an insurance agent when processing personal data of insured persons. We also implemented the RODO/GDPR rules on a hotline for the sale and service of insurance products.

Project leaders

In our projects we combine our knowledge of data protection regulations, privacy law, advertising law, unfair competition law, consumer protection and industry regulations.

Maciej Kubiak Managing Partner
Maciej Ślusarek Managing Partner
Tomasz Pieczyk Managing Partner


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