• Competition, consumers and E-commerce

    combating unfair competition / non-competition / promotional campaigns / business secrets / know - how / consumer law / competition law /


Combating unfair competition is understood as the agile handling of the following areas: competition law, intellectual property, consumer and personal data legislation and anti-trust regulations. And this at both national and EU level. We support companies from the heavy industry, FMCG, financial institutions, as well as the broadly defined media and advertising.

We also have extensive experience in the retail and e-commerce sectors. We comprehensively support websites and online shops, mobile applications and marketplaces. We also review marketing communications aimed at consumers.

  • Marketing of products

  • Product labelling

  • Running online shops

  • Antimonopoly audits

  • Proceedings before the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection and the European Commission

  • Distribution, agency and franchise agreements

  • Notification of concentration

  • Competition bans

  • Regulations of promotions and consumer contests

  • Regulations and privacy policies of online shops, websites and mobile applications

  • Combating unfair market practices

  • Issuing opinions on consumer credit documentation

  • Training in consumer regulation

  • Representation in disputes related to unfair competition


We provide comprehensive protection of the company's know-how - from providing opinions on contracts, specialisation agreements, through support in shaping sales strategies, to proceedings before common courts, the President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection or the European Commission.

Legal activities against counterfeiting

We assisted one of the best known and most frequently copied Polish designers. The cases concerned disputes with manufacturers and distributors of clothing imitating his original designs and unlawfully using the designer’s brand to increase their sales, positioning and self-promotion.


We represented a press publisher in a dispute with another publisher alleging unfair competition in the form of imitation of a newspaper layout, as well as infringement of intellectual property rights. We undertook litigation at the stage of precautionary proceedings and before the court of first instance. The case ended with a settlement satisfactory for the client.

Dispute between two publishers regarding copyright and unfair competition

One of the competing publishers claimed damages from our client. He alleged that he had committed an act of unfair competition by using artistic, literary and editorial solutions that make up the layout of a publishing series. In the proceedings, we were able to prove that the client had not infringed on any rights and had acted in accordance with all publishing industry practices. This was a precedent-setting case in terms of setting standards for interactions between publishers, as well as cooperation between publishers and authors.

Project leaders

Members of our team gained their experience working, among others, for the European Commission or the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection. Today they are active, among others, in the Competition Law Association. They share their knowledge of competition law with students of Law and Administration at the Warsaw University, the Warsaw School of Economics, Kozminski University and the H. Grotius Center for Intellectual Property Rights.


10 October 2024

Premiere of the Play “The Pilot and The Little Prince”

Last week, the world premiere of the play “The Pilot and The Little Prince” took place in Katowice. It was produced by TLP Live sp. z o.o., […]

9 October 2024

Tomasz Pieczyk awarded in the “Lawyer” category at the Kozminski Lions Awards!

On Monday, during the inauguration of the 2024/2025 academic year at Kozminski University (Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego), the “Koźmiński Lions” awards were presented to graduates who have distinguished […]

1 October 2024

Karolina Kucharska and Katarzyna Lejman with Rising Star 2024 distinctions in the IP Stars ranking!

Exciting news for the SKP team!   Karolina Kucharska and Katarzyna Lejman join the ranks of our recommended lawyers this year with Rising Stars 2024 distinctions in […]

Articles over coffee

  • Jednym z najważniejszych elementów budowania kariery artystycznej muzyka jest jego relacja z managerem. Manager bowiem nie tylko wspiera twórcę w kwestiach organizacyjnych i promocyjnych, ale często przejmuje odpowiedzialność za sprawy finansowe, kontrakty, negocjacje z partnerami czy nawet zarządza prawami autorskimi twórcy. Współpraca ta powinna opierać się nie tylko na zaufaniu, ale na poprawnie sporządzonej umowie, […]

  • 07.02.25

  • Gdy filmowa magia gra poza ekranem

    Marlena Kudła 14.01.25

    Muzyka filmowa ma niebagatelną rolę w budowaniu atmosfery i emocji na ekranie. Nie tylko stanowi tło dla fabuły, wywołuje emocje, ale również oddziałuje na naszą wyobraźnię. Do niedawna producenci filmów, myśląc o stworzeniu muzyki do filmu, koncentrowali się głównie na autorskim aspekcie związanym z tworzeniem muzyki do filmu oraz jej wyprodukowaniu. Utwory wykorzystane w filmie […]

  • Sprzedaż produktów zakupionych na azjatyckich rynkach, w szczególności chińskim, jest popularnym sposobem zarobkowania, szczególnie w sektorze e-commerce. Nie jest to niczym dziwnym, ponieważ szeroki asortyment produktów i konkurencyjne ceny to tylko niektóre z elementów, które mogą zachęcać do prowadzenia biznesu w ten sposób. Niestety, nie wszystkie produkty zakupione na innych rynkach mogą spełniać unijne normy. […]



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81-824 Sopot
+48 22 230 2655biuro@skplaw.pl
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